
Welcome to The Priory Surgery

Recovery from Major IT Issue and Retirement of Dr Nice

The Practice is doing well to recover from the International IT issue. We were open on Friday but were limited in what we could do. We are working through all our backlogs and making good progress. This includes large backlogs of prescription requests, letters and documents that the practice receives, all blood and other diagnostic test results and all urgent referral letters.

We expect that our operation will be back to normal in all areas by the end of the day on Tuesday 23rd July.

We would like to thank all our patients for your understanding and extend our thanks to our Partners and staff who have worked tirelessly to get us back on track. Thank you



Dr Nice has now retired from the Practice. Dr Nice has provided a fantastic service and has committed many years of her working life to the NHS and to Priory Surgery for which we are all extremely grateful. 

The Practice would like to publicly thank Dr Nice for the care she has given so many of our patients and their families and for the considered and thoughtful wisdom and expertise in helping us to provide a service for all our patients.

We wish Dr Nice all the very best for her well earned retirement.


Opening Times

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a close up of a basketball game

When We Are Closed

If you require medical advice or a doctor in an emergency when the surgery is closed please call 111.

New Phone System

We have installed our new phone system as of Monday 5th February 2024. It contains some great features which we know will improve your experience contacting us.

Please listen carefully to the options which are different from before.

If the queue is long, you can now request a callback, which holds your place in the queue. When you reach the top of the queue, you will be called back. We attempt this twice. Alternatively, you can remain on hold if you wish.

We will be monitoring our system closely over the next few weeks and may make some alterations if we can see further improvements that we think will improve your experience.

If you have any feedback, please do let us know.

NHS Friends and Family

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